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Area (kmq) |
163610 |
coordinate geografiche |
36 48N, 10 11E |
linea di costa (km)
1298 |
popolazione (stimata in milioni nel 2005)* |
10.1 |
tasso annuo di crescita della pololazione (1975-2005)* |
1.9% |
prodotto interno lordo (PIL - tasso di crescita reale)
(su un periodo più corto di quello indicato) |
indice di istruzione, 2005*  |
0.75 |
indice di sviluppo umano (HDI), 2005*
0.76 |
popolazione urbana (come % del totale) 2005*
63.5 |
tasso di mortalità infantile (per 1.000 nascite) 2005*
20 |
diffusione internet (per 1.000 persone) 2005**
100 |
personal computers (per 1.000 persone) 2005 stima.** |
n.a. |
agricoltura, valore aggiunto (% del PIL) 2005 stima.**
12 |
industria, valore aggiunto (% del PIL) 2002 stima.**
28 |
servizi, etc., valore aggiunto (% del PIL)2005 stima.**
60 |
The Tunisian Republic covers a total area of 163 610 Km2,
located in North Africa. The Mediterranean Sea is in the North and
East parts of the country, while Tunisia borders with Algeria to the
West, and the Libya to the South. Coastline is 1
298 km length and popolation in 2005 was estimated at about 10.1
million inhabitants.
The Tunisian marine coasts lie in the FAO-GFCM Geographical Sub
Areas 12, 13 and 14.
An important fishing activity in Tunisia is the Dolphin fish,
curried out from August to December, using fish aggregation devices
(FAD) and surrounding nets. About 260 boats are involved in this
fishery along the whole Tunisian coast. The main fishing areas and
ports are located on the Central-Eastern coast, which concentrates
around 70-75 percent of fishing effort and landings.
Aquaculture activity is mainly marine oriented, with an annual
production of about 3 700 tonnes.
About 9 percent of the activity is focused on the tuna ongrowing.
Around 400 trawlers are located in the 10 Tunisian main ports,
particularly in the South of the country. Normally they are equipped
with about 400 Hp engines or more. About 350 vessels are employed in
the small pelagic fishery, while the small scale vessels are more
than 10 600, with a percentage of about 66 percent motorized.
Tunisian domestic fisheries product in 2006 was approximately
114 063 tonnes, 111 288 of which from capture fisheries and 2 775
from aquaculture.
Fishery imports, in the period 2003-2005, totalled an annual average
of about 36 153 tonnes, while fish exports stood at 18 935 tonnes.
Fishery imports in 2006 totalled about 48 041 (1 000 USD) while
exports was 156 540 (1 000 USD) with a net balance of 108 499 (1 000
USD). In 2003-2005, average per capita supply was 12.3 kg/year.
(FAO, 2008).
produzione totale della pesca (t) 2006*** |
114063 |
produzione di cattura (t) 2006*** |
111288 |
produzione di acquacultura (t) 2006*** |
2755 |
disponibilità di pesce pro capite (kg/anno, 2003-2005)*** |
12.3 |
produzione (t. di peso vivo) 2003-2005*** |
106064 |
uso non-alimentare (t. di peso vivo) 2003-2005*** |
3 |
importazioni (t. di peso vivo) 2003-2005*** |
36153 |
esportazioni (t. di peso vivo) 2003-2005*** |
18935 |
fornitura alimentare (t. di peso vivo) 2003-2005*** |
123280 |
importazoni (US$ 1.000) 2006*** |
48041 |
esportazoni (US$ 1.000) 2006*** |
156540 |
bilancio netto 2006*** |
108499 |
esportazione prodotti ittici come percentuale degli exports dell'agricoltura (%)
2003*** |
n.a. |
esportazione prodotti ittici come percentuale del totale della
merce esportata (%)
2006*** |
n.a. |

· |
FAO-. 2008. Fisheries and Aquaculture Information
and Statistics Service. Fishery and Aquaculture
Statistics 2006. 57p. |
· |
FAO. © 2006-2009. National Aquaculture Sector
Overview. Aperçu général du secteur national
d'aquaculture - France. National Aquaculture Sector
Overview Fact Sheets. Texte par Lacroix, D.
In: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
[en ligne]. Rome. Mis à jour 25 July 2005. [Cited 11
June 2009]. |