
Working Group on Basic parameters related to small pelagic fish:
length at sexual maturity of anchovy and sardine in the MedSudMed
Project area
(14-16 April 2004, Mazara del Vallo - Italy)
Background |
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During the MedSudMed expert consultation on Small Pelagic fish:
stock identification and oceanographic processes influencing their
abundance and distribution (Salammbô, 1-3 October 2003), a series of
priorities were identified and discussed among the experts and the
Project was called on to implement activities aiming at identifying
small pelagic fish stocks and the oceanographic processes
influencing their abundance and distribution. In particular, in the
perspective of estimating the spatial distribution of adults and
early life stages, and identifying the spawning and nursery zones in
the MedSudMed area, the experts considered that particular attention
should be given to the basic parameter estimation (length at sexual
maturity, age-length and target strength-length relationships).
During the second Coordination Committee meeting (11-13 February
2004) a work plan taking into account these recommendations was
presented and discussed. This led to the organization of a working
group to discuss the issue of the “Basic parameters related to small
pelagic fish: length at sexual maturity of anchovy (Engraulis
encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) in the
MedSudMed Project area". |
Objectives of the meeting |
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The aims of the meeting were mainly: to have an overview of the
methodologies currently used for the estimation of length at sexual
maturity of anchovy and sardine; to discuss the available
information and raw data for the determination of the length at
sexual maturity, in each Geographical Sub Area covered by the
Project (12 Northern Tunisia, 13 Gulf of Hammamet, 14 Gulf of Gabes,
15 Malta Island, 16 South of Sicily and 21 Libya), and according to
the methodology to be applied; to review and discuss the current
estimation of the length at sexual maturity of anchovy and sardine
in the areas concerned. AdriaMed and Copemed Projects were invited
to propose experts who could participate in the meeting in order to
extend the area of study to other GSA. |
Expected outputs |
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The expected outputs are an agreement on
the methodology to be applied to estimate the length at sexual
maturity for small pelagic species, a joint estimation of length at
sexual maturity of the two target species and a draft of a
scientific paper that could be presented at the next GFCM-SAC
working group on small pelagic species. |
Participation |
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The meeting was attended by representatives of participating
institutes to MedSudMed Project, as well as the Project staff. It
was conducted in English. |