
During the 1st meeting of the MedSudMed
Coordination Committee, a general outline of research and the activities to be
implemented by the Project were discussed by the participants. A
preliminary plan was presented for research activities aimed at improving
information resources for fisheries management, biodiversity protection, and
ecosystem preservation in the area covered by the Project. It was focused on
main proposals: (i) Spatial distribution of demersal resources according to
environment and fishery characteristics; (ii) Stock identification of small
pelagic fish and oceanographic processes influencing their abundance and distribution;
(iii) Marine Protected Areas and Fisheries Management; (iv) Implementation of a regional
Database and Information System.
The MedSudMed Project, for each one of these research topics,
organized Expert Consultations (ECs), Working Groups (WGs) and workshops in
order to provide an overview of available knowledge on fishery ecology in the
region. The ECs and workshops consist of regional and extra-regional experts and
provide an overview of available knowledge on the addressed issues. The aims of
the ECs, WGs and workshops are the technical discussion and definition of a work
program for the activities to be implemented on the basis of common methodology
and the proposition of pilot study cases. They also aim at performing joint data
analysis, discussing on likely consequences of different management options and
at fuelling the harmonization process of fisheries management strategies in the
Project area. Furthermore the ECs and WGs should also identify needs in national
and regional expertise and are the opportunity to define criteria for the data
collection and identify a task leader who will coordinate the program of work.
Research activities deal with fisheries
ecology and concentrate on issues regarding different components of the
Spatial distribution of demersal resources is studied in relation with
environmental parameters and fishery characteristics. Several life stages of the
main target species are considered, according to biotic and abiotic descriptors
of the area. The EC related to this issue was held in Malta on 10-
12 December 2002.
of marine protected areas as a tool for fisheries management is discussed and
evaluated, with particular attention to Mediterranean areas where this
experience is being implemented. Comparative studies will be conducted to assess effects of
fishing closure. The EC related to this issue was recently held in Salammbô, Tunisia on 14-16 April 2003
Oceanographic processes influencing abundance and distribution of small pelagics
will be studied in order to improve knowledge on reproduction and concentration
zones, transport of eggs and larvae, and ultimately presence and abundance of
fish stocks. The EC took place in
Salammbô, Tunisia on 1-3 October 2003.
The implementation of the research activities are supported by a Regional
Database and Information System for the storage, analysis and representation of
data related to fish stocks, fisheries and environmental parameters. An EC will
also be organized on this issue in Mazara del Vallo (date still to be defined).
This issue will synthesize issues related to data use and management that
have been addressed during all the previous Expert Consultations.