
Technical meeting on National Data and Information Aggregation Scheme
(28-30 July 2003, FAO-HQ - Rome - Italy) |
Background |
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Within the framework of the MedSudMed project, Expert Consultations (ECs) on
“spatial distribution of demersal resources” and on “marine
protected areas” highlighted the necessity to aggregate all relevant
national data and information available. The most important
parameters for these two subject areas have been identified by the
participating experts and it was agreed that they would process and
compile the information in an appropriate manner to be eventually
integrated into the national MedSudMed database and information
system which would be developed through the assistance of the
Project. |
Objectives of the meeting |
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The overall objective of the technical meeting was to homogenize the
data and information aggregation among the participating institutes
to MedSudMed Project. The following issues were discussed:
- Data collection and aggregation methods
- Data formats
- Content and structure of the reports to be produced
- Type and quality of the outputs (spatial and temporal scale,
- Schedule of the data and information collection.
Technical details regarding the MedSudMed Information System were
was also part of the agenda, as well as an update on on-going
activities related to this issue. |
Expected outputs |
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The expected outputs were the
agreement on the type and format of the information to be collected
by each institute, as well as on the organization of this data and
information aggregation. According to former discussions held during
the standardization workshop (Mazara, May 2003), and the previous
Expert Consultations, the information that was considered relevant
Target species: for each one of the species indicated below,
biomass indices, as well as demographic parameters (average length,
length and age structures, fecundity, sex-ratio) should be
calculated using past trawl surveys:
Bony Fish: Merluccius merluccius, Mullus barbatus, Pagellus
erythrinus, Mullus surmuletus, Trachurus trachurus, Helicolenus
Cephalopods: Sepia officinalis, Octopus vulgaris, Eledone cirrhosa
Crustaceans: Parapenaeus longirostris, Aristaeomorpha foliacea,
Nephrops norvegicus
Cartilaginous Fish: Raja clavata
- Physical description of the area:
Sedimentology, seabed biotopes
Superficial currents and currents at different depths
Wind patterns
- Biotic environment:
Biocenosis according to the RAC/SPA Classification (RAC/SPA,
November 1997)
Fish assemblages
Phytoplankton / Chlorophyll
- Fishing pressure:
Fishing effort distribution
Fishing intensity by gear
Fishing grounds for each gear.
Participation |
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The meeting was attended by representatives of participating
institutes to MedSudMed Project, as well as the Project staff. It
was conducted in English and French. |