
MedSudMed منشورات |
يمكنك البحث عن طريق "النص الكامل" (في البحث عن نص التعديل في "عنوان" و"ملخص" المنشورات، حسب المؤلف أو حسب المسألة. لكل وثيقة، ورقة معلومات ستكون متاحة. يمكن تحميل الوثائق في شكل (pdf)

(MedSudMed) منشورات محرك البحث |
على أرشيف والمنشورات الصادرة عن المشروع باللغة الانكليزية فقط: |
البحث عن طبعة النص في "العنوان" وفي "ملخص" المنشورات |
مؤلفون |
كلمات المفاتيح |
مسألة |
أخر منشور |
عنوان |
GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-41 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°41)
Report of the Sixteenth Meeting of the Coordination Committee |
FAO MedSudMed |
مؤلفون |

500 KB |
2018 |
عام |
52 |
صفحات |
Coordination Committee |
كلمات المفاتيح |
ملخص |
The Sixteenth meeting of the MedSudMed Coordination Committee was held in Rome, Italy, on 13th - 14th February 2018, kindly hosted by the Italian Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Forestiers Policies (MiPAAF). The Coordination Committee was attended by representatives from the countries participating in the Project (Italy, Libya, Malta and Tunisia), representatives of the Donors, the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and Resources Division (FIA), a representative of FAO Regional Project AdriaMed, of the FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean Secretariat (FAO GFCM), as well as the staff of the FAO MedSudMed Project. The meeting sought to present and discuss the results of the activities carried out by the Project referring to the 2017-18. The activities followed the methodological approach used by the Project and were presented according to the Project main components. The working paper “Project Future Implementation”, in which objectives, outputs and activities proposed for 2018 was introduced and agreed by the Committee, including additional inputs coming out from the discussion. |
عنوان |
GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-42 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°42)
Report of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Coordination Committee |
مؤلفون |

700 KB |
2019 |
عام |
54 |
صفحات |
Coordination Committee |
كلمات المفاتيح |
ملخص |
The Seventeenth meeting of the MedSudMed Coordination Committee was held in Buġibba Malta, 05-06 February 2019, kindly hosted by the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department of the Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change of Malta (MESDC). The Coordination Committee was attended by representatives from the countries participating in the Project (Italy, Libya, Malta and Tunisia), representatives of the Italian Donor, the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and Resources Division (FIA), a representative of FAO Regional Projects AdriaMed and CopeMed II, of the FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean Secretariat (FAO GFCM), as well as the staff of the FAO MedSudMed Project. The meeting sought to present and discuss the results of the activities carried out by the Project referring to the 201819. The activities followed the methodological approach used by the Project and were presented according to the Project main components. The working paper “Project Future Implementation”, in which objectives, outputs and activities proposed for 2018 was introduced and agreed by the Committee, including additional inputs coming out from the discussion. |