Since the first meeting of the MedSudMed
Coordination Committee (CC) (GCP/RER/010/ITA/MedSudMed-TD01) the need to improve
the available knowledge on the distribution of fishery resources in the area
covered by the Project and to identify more accurately the influence of
environmental factors on fisheries was emphasized. On that occasion the Project
identified a specific project component to be implemented on this issue,
together with a number of medium- and long-terms activities.
Thenceforth, several research activities were
planned and organized according to the needs expressed by the Research
Institutions involved in the Project. During the 9th MedSudMed CC (Italy, May
2011), the Project included in the workplan for 2012 the production of concise
species sheets for demersal crustaceans that, according to their economic value
and commercial catch, have particular relevance for local, national and
international fisheries in the south-central Mediterranean Sea. The subdivision
of the Mediterranean region in Geographical Sub-areas (GSAs) is reported in
Annex A. Throughout the text, reference to Mediterranean sub-regions will be
made indifferently using the GSA number or geographical name (e.g. Libyan waters
may be referred to either as GSA 21 or Libyan waters).
This document reviews and compiles the
scientific information on: Aristaeomorpha foliacea, Melicertus keraturus,
Metapenaeus monocheros, Nephrops norvegicus, Palinurus elephas, and
longirostris. A description of each of these target species is provided,
including species description (meristics), ecology (geographical distribution,
habitats, migrations), biogical information (maximum size, spawning activity,
length at first maturity, eggs, larvae and post-larvae, recruitment at habitat
and nurseries, sex ratio, length–weight relationship, maximum age and natural
mortality, von bertalanffy growth function, feeding behaviour, stock units),
evaluation and exploitation (abundance indices from trawl surveys, strength of
recruitment, stock assessment, fisheries, fishing zones and seasons, yield,
fishing pattern and discards), legislation and management. This work is the
result of international scientific cooperation among the fishery research
institutions participating in the FAO Project MedSudMed. |