
Expert Consultation on Small Pelagics: stock identification and oceanographic
processes influencing their abundance and distribution
(1-3 October 2003, Salammbô - Tunisia)
Background |
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The last available FAO statistics
show a total capture of nearly 70,000 metric tons of small pelagic
fish for 2001 in the Project Area (GFCM capture productions of
sardines, sardinellas, anchovies, mackerels, horse mackerels
corresponding to the Geographical Sub-Areas covered by MedSudMed
Project). Small pelagic fish represent an intermediate trophic level
that can be critical, for instance in highly productive ecosystems
such as upwellings, where they are supposed to exert a control both
on upper and lower trophic levels.
Relations with oceanographic parameters have been explored and there
is considerable evidence that environmental variability plays an
important role in controlling abundance and distribution of marine
populations. However, despite existing models and theories, and
despite important fisheries existing in the area, little or no
information is available on small pelagic populations’ ecology and
stock identification in the Central Mediterranean. There is a strong
need to identify and describe in detail processes responsible for
enrichment of the water column (circulation, upwellings, frontal
zones, …), describe possible migration patterns in the area and
their triggers, identify and monitor factors conditioning spawning
patterns, recruitment success and development of early life stages.
In line with the GFCM-SAC recommendation to identify more shared
stocks in the Mediterranean, synthesis of the existing knowledge and
data in the framework of a MedSudMed component conducted at a
regional level should greatly contribute to enhance knowledge on the
stock identification and ecology of small pelagic fish in the
Project Area. Localizing the feeding, reproduction, and
concentration zones would allow identifying the oceanographic
patterns responsible for the spatial distribution and the abundance
of small pelagic fish. |
Objectives of the meeting |
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The EC will explore facets
dealing with small pelagic fish stocks identification, oceanographic
processes influencing their abundance and distribution in the
Project area. Contributions should provide elements for the broad
synthetic view of the knowledge and the activities in this field. On
going studies, used methods and summary of present knowledge should
be presented, in order to analyze the effect of biotic and abiotic
environment on small pelagic fish.
Moreover, comparative studies can possibly be conducted; therefore,
the presentation of all available information is a must for future
activities (research, training, or management). This would enable
listing the gaps in the knowledge and methodologies, and draw-up
consequent working and training programs agreed upon by all
The expected outputs include:
Synthesis of the knowledge and existing data on small
pelagic fish in the MedSudMed study area
Discussion and identification of a list of species that have
particular economic or ecological importance and that will
be considered as priority in futures studies to be conducted
(S. pilchardus, E. encrasicolus, T. trachurus, T.
mediterraneus, S. japonicus, S. scomber). This list is to be
proposed according to the GFCM priority list, but also
according to national needs and activities and on-going
Identification of gaps in information on spatial
distribution of the stocks, migration patterns of adults,
passive transport of eggs and larvae, factors affecting and
conditioning recruitment success.
Methodology to fill the gaps: feasibility studies, and/or
activities to be conducted to improve knowledge on
relationships between biotic and abiotic environment and
distribution, abundance and life cycle of small pelagic
Identification of pilot study cases.
Overview of the regional and national expertise –
Identification of training needs and possibilities.
Creation of a regional network of multidisciplinary experts,
to be involved in the MedSudMed activities related to this
Expert Consultation.
Participation |
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The Expert Consultation will consist of regional experts. The
participants will have broad discipline background; it is of outmost
importance that persons with different skills be brought to share
their knowledge and experience.
Discussions will be conducted by Scientific Coordinator of the
Project, Project staff and experts participating in the Expert
Consultation. A team leader will be nominated, to chair the meeting,
help to the preparation of the final document, and coordinate the
activities that will have been agreed upon. |