
MedSudMed's Expert Consultation Spatial distribution of demersal resources in
the Strait of Sicily and the influence of environmental factors and fishery
(10-12 December 2002, Malta) |
Background |
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During the 1st meeting of the MedSudMed Coordination Committee, a general outline of
research and the activities to be implemented by the Project have been
discussed. One of the research proposal focuses on the study of Spatial
distribution of demersal resources in relation with environmental parameters
and fishery characteristics. The main objective was to identify the spatial
distribution of different life stages of commercial fishes (recruits, adults
and any significant age group). This would provide basic information dealing
with the recognition and delineation of different stocks in the Central
Mediterranean, as preliminary for an effective stock assessment and management in the
area. The research tasks have been divided as follows and designed to
study respectively:
The main physical features of the area (bathymetry,
sedimentology and hydrology).
The main benthic biocenosis and demersal fish assemblages.
The fishing pressure on demersal resources in the area.
The spatial distribution of juvenile and adult of target
demersal species.
The combination of all previous tasks using a GIS in order to
give an overall view of the possible interactions between spatial
distribution of the demersal resources and environment and the
fishery features.
It was
decided to organize an Expert Consultation in order to provide an overview
of available knowledge and data on this issue in the region. |
Obiective of the Expert Consultation |
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The aims of the Expert Consultation were the definition of a work program
for the activities to be implemented on the basis of common methodology and
the proposition of pilot study cases. The expert consultation had also to
identify needs in national and regional expertise and was the opportunity to
define criteria for the data collection, and identify a task leader who will
coordinate the activities that will be conducted as a follow-up of this
meeting. |
Focus and addressed issue |
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The focus of
the Expert Consultation was on the description of the spatial distribution
of demersal resources in the project area and the factors
affecting/explaining this distribution (environmental parameters and
fisheries characteristics), in particular of species considered as forming
shared stocks and those supposed to belong to separate stocks. The themes
that could be addressed regard:
description of
physical environment of the region
available elements on distribution of fish species (single species
or assemblages), localization of feeding / reproduction / spawning
grounds - known ecology/biology of the main commercial species
possible migration patterns, and description of the types of
description of the fishery: seasonality, quantification and spatial
distribution of the fishing effort, fishing techniques used in the
available data that can be exploited for further results
any combination of the type of information cited above and giving an
idea of the possible interactions between demersal resources and
environmental parameters (biotic and abiotic)
relevant methodologies, equipment, techniques for the data
collection or treatment regarding demersal resources, fisheries
and/or environment
Geographical Information Systems.
Expected output |
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Synthesis of the knowledge on this issue at
regional level.
Identification of gaps and listing of the
lacking data, in order to assess the feasibility of possible
research studies that can be conducted.
Methodology to fill the gaps: knowing that
already existing information can be processed, by the way of
technical working groups and/or contracted expert(s), data
collection may be organized according to the on-going
studies in the participating countries (type of sampling,
calendars, comparative studies).
Data management needs in terms of contents,
structures and relationships.
Definition of Pilot study cases.
Identification of needs in regional and
national expertise.
Creation of a regional network of
multidisciplinary experts, to be involved in the MedSudMed
activities related to this expert Consultation.
The report of the Expert Consultation will be edited as Technical Document of MedSudMed
Project and will be available as an information paper for the SAC and SAC
sub-committees on Ecosystems and Marine Environment and Stock Assessment, as
well as for other relevant regional meetings and bodies related to the
addressed issue.
Participation |
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The Expert Consultation consisted of regional and extra-regional experts
having broad discipline background. Discussions were conducted by Scientific
Coordinator of the Project, Project staff and experts participating in the
expert consultation. A chairman was nominated to synthesize the discussions, and
to act as team leader for the activities to be conducted as a follow-up of the
meeting. The Expert Consultation was conducted in English.