Meeting on Deep-water rose shrimps, European hake and related fisheries in the MedSudMed Project area
St. Julian, Malta, 24-26 June 2014  

The MedSudMed meeting on the Deep-water rose shrimp, the European hake and related fisheries in the Project area was held in St. Julian, Malta on 24-26 June 2014, kindly hosted by the Maltese Ministry for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change (MSDEC), Fishery Control Directorate. Fisheries scientists, representatives of the national administrations and of fishers involved in fisheries exploiting Deep-water rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) and European hake (Merluccius merluccius) from Malta, Italy, Libya and Tunisia participated in the meeting.
The overall objective of the meeting was to contribute to the development of a common view on the management of fisheries targeting P. longirostris, M. merluccius and associated species in the south-central Mediterranean Sea.
The workshop provided an occasion to overview current knowledge as well as information sharing processes in the south-central Mediterranean, and to identify gaps that may hamper the development of harmonised fisheries management.
The GFCM framework for the development of fisheries management plans was illustrated and discussed. This discussion covered, inter alia, the process and issues that led to the development of the GFCM Guidelines on management plans, fishing capacity and the proposed minimum structure, criteria and measures to be used in a regional management plan for bottom trawl fisheries targeting P. longirostris and associated species in the south-central Mediterranean Sea.
The steps to progress towards the joint development of a multi-annual management plan for fisheries targeting P. longirostris and M. merluccius were agreed on.
Terms of References (pdf)  -  Annotated Agenda (pdf).